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Tecno: The Tommasini frame that blends tradition and Innovation

Uno dei telai più iconici della produzione Tommasini è il telaio Tecno in Acciaio, ancora oggi uno dei modelli più richiesti, poiché esso è una vera e propria celebrazione della tradizione ciclistica. Grazie, infatti, al suo design classico e allo stile vintage, questo telaio prodotto con tecnologie contemporanee, non è una semplice replica, ma un prodotto originale che unisce il meglio del passato con l’innovazione moderna.

The Tecno frame is built using Columbus Custom Nemo Nivacrom steel tubes, featuring custom micro-cast lugs and dropouts. These steel tubes provide high tensile strength and fatigue resistance, enabling the creation of lightweight, high-performance frames ideal for competition. The flexibility of the steel frame enhances comfort during long rides, as it absorbs vibrations and dampens road irregularities, resulting in a smoother ride and reduced cyclist fatigue.

Owning a Tommasini Tecno frame means owning an exclusive bicycle. Handcrafted production and meticulous attention to detail make every bike a unique masterpiece, standing out from mass-produced bicycles. The exclusive geometries designed by Tommasini, combined with the utmost attention to detail, place the Tecno frame in a class of its own. With intricate paintwork and extensive customization options, it becomes the perfect choice for those seeking exceptional performance and unparalleled aesthetics.

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